Finding Your Mission

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“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
– Maya Angelou

I once had a job that I began as a temp. I was shown to a desk, given a key, and provided very little information beyond that. It’s interesting how overwhelming it can be to not have structure in a job…. to not have clear expectations or direction. What sounds like freedom becomes a hindrance.

Thankfully, as I began to see various needs that presented themselves, I was given and created projects to work on that were enjoyable to me. I found mini missions along the way, to keep me moving forward.

If you’ve ever been in a job where you felt like you had no purpose – where there was no attainable goal in mind, or it seemed like your input was of no real value, you understand what I mean when I say it can be detrimental. Feeling stagnant in a job makes showing up a real challenge.

Going a step further, have you ever felt stagnant in life? Like you are just wandering aimlessly, without any real purpose or mission?

It’s not healthy. You have so much potential, and it’s a shame to let it go unchallenged and unapplied.

In the last post, we asked, where are we going, and how are we going to get there?

Let’s get more specific. How ARE you going to get there?

The first step of making a change is to know what you’re changing and what your goals are. If you have been feeling lost and aimless, it’s important to find your mission.

For those in business, a mission statement is a standard part of a business’ focus. It helps guide and direct decisions to make sure the business as a whole stays on track to reach goals. It’s brilliant, really. You have to have a clear idea of what you want or you’re not going to know where to go to find it.

In the free membership area, you’ll find a mission statement generator.  It is a form that will get you started. When you complete it, it will be sent to your email, where you can then tweak and further customize as much as you’d like until you have a mission statement that works for you, personally.

Don’t forget to share your personal mission statement in the Every Day Incredible Ladies facebook group!