Do you feel like you’re running in slow motion?

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Dearest Daughter of the King,

Do you feel like you are working overtime to make spiritual progress but you’re running in slow motion? Please allow me the honor of praying for you (or feel free to adapt it and pray it over someone else or add it to your War Room journal).

Heavenly Father,
I ask that you fill your daughter.
Fill her with the knowledge of your will for her, through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
I ask in confidence that you will fill her with your Spirit, with your love and peace.
I ask that you help her see herself through your eyes, Lord.
Let her have a concept of how YOU see her and how different that is than how she has seen herself for so long.
I pray that you would bless her abundantly.
Let your strength shine in her weaknesses and let her learn to recognize that.
Help her find joy in her weaknesses as she willingly steps back to allow you to show what you can do.
Father, I ask that you help her to REST in You!
Help her to realize what it means to submit to you and how much joy and freedom there is in that – the relief that is there.
I ask that you manifest in your daughter the mind of Christ and grant her the discernment to quickly recognize and reject the voice of the enemy.
I ask that you turn curses into blessings on behalf of her and her family.
Let her be your mouthpiece to minister to her family and bring healing, Father.
Let her experience that blessing in her life!
I ask all of these things in the precious, Holy name of Jesus Christ,

May you fully know and be known by Him!
In Christ,