Stand Your Ground!

Learn to put on your spiritual armor

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Over the past couple years, we’ve had a  lot of things happen, and I’ve spent a  lo

t of time trying to research and  understand better the spiritual realm  and how we fit into everything- how  everything fits together, how Satan  works, and how prayer works, but how God  works. Who He is. God has been working in some pretty big ways  through this and I am so thankful! I have  a better understanding now than I once  did.

Scripture talks about not giving  Satan a foothold. It says,

Ephesians 4:26-27  (NIV)

26 “In your anger do not sin”[a]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

We’ve talked  about that in other videos too, about how some of the things we do can create  an opportunity for Satan to work in our  lives. If we’re not careful, if we embrace  the lies that Satan tells us, then we are  in effect giving him ammunition to use  against us.

We are giving him ammunition  to keep us in bondage, to keep us from  having the spiritual freedom that God  intends for us, and the spiritual freedom  that he sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die  on the cross so we could have. That’s  pretty major!


We forget sometimes who we  are. We forget that we’re sons and  daughters of the Most High God. We’re sons  and daughters of the King! Sometimes we act  more like slaves in bondage- we allow  Satan to have that power over us because  we give in to the lies and we don’t  stand our ground. We don’t stand firm in what God has told  us.

When you’re ever in doubt, look back  at Scripture and really study the character  of God. Meditate on the character of God; who He is and what that means for us,  because we are His children. When  you’re focusing on who God  is and what truth.  Is, Scripture  also says that you shall know the truth  and the truth will set you free. When you’re  dwelling in God’s presence… when we’re  dwelling on the truth that comes from  God – that counteracts all of those lies  from Satan.

Scripture also says  that Satan is a liar and the father of  lies.

How many lies do you believe about  yourself? About the world around you?  About your future? As a therapist, most  clients, when we start  digging down and looking at those core  beliefs, or what scripture refers  to as “strongholds,”  when we start digging down and looking  for patterns in their thinking and  what is behind some of the mistakes they  make, and some of the  struggles that they face, so often we  come back to that same idea. That “I’m not  enough,” “I’m not doing enough,” ”I’m not loved,” “I’m not lovable.” Those are  some the most common core beliefs, or  strongholds that I’ve heard from people  over the years. Those fears about not  being enough, or of what people think, or about not being lovable; but  that’s not what scripture says! Scripture  says God loved us so much that he sent  his Son to die for us, so we could break  free from that bondage that Satan tries  to create and  hold over us- that dark cloud that  we have because of sin. It has us  focusing on things that are contrary to  who God is and what God has for us.

Paul  prayed for the Colossians that they  would be filled with the knowledge of  God’s will through all spiritual wisdom  and understanding. That’s a pretty  powerful prayer!

I encourage you to pray  that and pray it often. Set a reminder in  your phone, or write it on post-it and put it  on your mirror where you will see it  regularly so you could remember to  pray. Use reminders. Satan doesn’t want  you to remember. You might remember who you are if you  remember to pray and ask God to open  your eyes, and he doesn’t want that- your  spiritual enemy wants to keep you in  bondage, but you don’t have to be! That is why Jesus came to die on the  cross. He came down to the cross so we could  remind Satan who he is and that he already  lost, and that we don’t have to be in bondage anymore. We’re not slaves. We’re children  of the King!

Having a better  understanding of all of this is  exactly why I’ve created the Digging  Deeper group for Every Day Incredible. I  want to help other Christian women learn  to put on their spiritual armor and face  each day with that incredible power that  comes from remembering who we are in  Christ.

Scripture says that the weapons  we use have divine power to destroy  strongholds, and that’s what I want for  you! I want you to destroy those strongholds so you can find peace in Christ.

If you’re  interested in learning about the digging  deeper group and learning to wear your  spiritual armor every day to make Every  Day Incredible, then I encourage you to  go to and read more about it. If you have  questions let me know and drop a comment  down below and let me know how maybe you  learned to be a prayer warrior and what  has been helpful to you in your journey.  I look forward to hearing from you and  as always remember there are  opportunities every day so make Every  Day Incredible!