How to Stay On Track (A response to a community member)

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A little while ago, I sent out a survey to the ladies in our community. In that survey, one of the questions was asking what people would like to see in content here at Every Day Incredible, so I wanted to share some of those responses with you.

The one I want to share with you today reads,

“staying on track. I’m currently moving forward and I don’t want to ever go back but I know I can. I’m human… so maybe something about staying on track.”

I think we probably all been there, right? It’s hard to keep momentum sometimes because we may set a goal and we can be super excited about it, and then life happens. It may be that you get sick, or that a loved one gets sick, or the car breaks down, or someone loses their job or all these things pile in on us sometimes. It can be very hard to keep moving forward!  When we’re so distracted by all the little (and big) things in our lives, it’s easy for our spiritual enemy to creep in and start trying to point us in another direction. 

So, I want to share this a couple of things that can help keep us on track. There are many ways to do that, and prayer is one of the big ones. There are two things I want to share with you, in addition to prayer, and the first one is that we have to set SMART goals.

SMART goals are simple or specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based. This give us a way that you set goals that are really going to be doable. They’re not overwhelming because you have bite-sized chunks. When you set those goals, check in routinely. Set a date to revisit and check progress – that’s where time-based comes to play. This can help keep you on track.

Another major component in keeping your momentum and moving forward is to keep yourself accountable by surrounding yourself with people who have the same beliefs as you, who are grounded in Scripture and grounded in the truth and are going to remind you of what that truth is.

You know, I’ve been a therapist for about 12 years now. So often, I would have a great session with a client and then the next week when I say, “Hey, have you been working on what we talked about last week?”
They will look at me and say, “what was it we talked about?”

Of course, my heart would just sink because it would mean they hadn’t even thought about it again. They hadn’t been doing what we talked about, they hadn’t been putting it into practice – any of that. Even though I know that it would have helped them.

So one of the things that is so important if you want to stay on track is to surround yourself with people who are going to help keep you accountable. You can’t be just doing it at certain times and then forgetting about it. It’s like, when you go to church you can’t go to church on Sunday and then forget about it the rest of the week and not work on your relationship with God. It doesn’t work like that.

So, just to recap, if you want to stay on track:

1. Keep prayer your focus – “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. It’s not just a suggestion, that is the way of doing it.

2. Set SMART Goals

3. Be a part of a group that’s going to keep you accountable. Hang out with friends who are going to keep you accountable. Not just in the big things and big goals, but also in the little details. Someone who is going to guide you more toward the truth and what God says about situations. And you can do the same for them. It’s not just checking in once a week with what your big goals are, it’s when you’re having a conversation with people and you say something and and someone asks, “Uhm… is that really what God says for you?” So they point you back to what scripture says. It’s being able to keep each other accountable.

That’s what we do in the Every Day Incredible Ladies Facebook group. Everyone in there is encouraging, they post fun things, scripture, and things that are going to be encouraging to one another and help us to focus on what is true and good and right. Just like in Philippians 4:8, what we are encouraged to do there.

Then for those who are interested in digging a little deeper, we actually have a group called Digging Deeper. That is a premium membership group for those who are really serious and dedicated and motivated to become prayer warriors and view your lives through that lens that is God’s Word. To be able to really dig deep in putting your spiritual armor on, not just playing dress-up, but really putting that armor on and learning to pray in the Spirit. Learning to approach every situation in your life from that attitude of God’s truth. To be able to find that kind of Christ-centered life balance.

I encourage you to check that out, the website is and as always, feel free to come join us in the Every Day Incredible Ladies Facebook group any time you want. I look forward to seeing you in the groups and again, hit like and subscribe, and you won’t miss out on anything from Every Day Incredible!

As always, remember there are opportunities every day, so make Every Day Incredible!