How Should Christians Handle an Identity Crisis?

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Have you ever had a crisis in your identity?

When something happened that really knocked the wind out of you and made you question everything? Maybe it made you question who you are and what you’re good at, because the things that used to fit didn’t fit anymore. The things that used to make sense don’t make sense anymore.

Have you ever been there?

There are so many things in life that can knock us off our feet and send us into a tailspin because it shakes our identity. We form our identity at a very early age. We learn what things we are good at, we learn what things get us compliments and encouragement or feedback that’s positive- or maybe the opposite; what things just get us attention because people feel sorry for us or because people are pitying us even. But when something happens that changes how we see ourselves, it completely throws us for a loop.

How do you deal with that when you’re going through an identity crisis? Instead of trying to focus on and cling to how you thought you saw yourself and who you used to be, it’s important to cling to the one thing as a Christian that does not change, and that is your identity in Christ.

God is everlasting. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. That’s something that does not change, so no matter what happens, while the experiences around you may change, no matter what changes in how you view yourself or your identity (how you see the traits that you have or your strengths), no matter what happens that shakes those things, God does not change. So, when you’re going through any kind of crisis or anything that is making you question life and your place in it, you cling to what you know is true, and that is what scripture says about God’s character- who He is to you and who you are in Him. Those things do not change.

If you’re struggling today with the events that are going on around you, with your identity and how other people view you, or the things that are making you question yourself- choose to focus on who God is, and who you are in Him, The rest of it has a way of falling into place. Ask Him to show you who you are in Him. Ask Him to direct you in that and help you to find what those strengths are again, and the calling that He has for you, because that’s really where your identity lies.

We can all get very sidetracked sometimes, but when you’re focusing on your identity in Christ first your identity is gonna fall into place every all the other areas your strengths your purpose all the rest will fall into place. Focus on Him first.