When your prayers are hitting the ceiling

What to do about it!

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Have you ever felt like your prayers were just hitting the ceiling and not really going very far? Have you ever wondered why?

I went there a period of time where that’s what I was dealing with – and I can say it’s pretty uncomfortable.

I started realizing that I was under some pretty serious spiritual attack at the time and I hadn’t been recognizing it. But when I realized that, I started asking regularly for God to open my eyes as He opened the eyes of Balaam and the eyes of Elisha’s servant in Scripture. I asked Him to open my eyes to help me to see the spiritual influences around me and help me be aware of anything that might be standing in the way.

As I continued to pray that over a period of time, He started revealing Himself in some pretty big ways. Then one day, I decided that I was going to start praying out loud which is something that I hadn’t been practicing very often.

When I did that, it was a game-changer. I felt like God started revealing to me these things that I needed to address… some attitudes that I didn’t realize were becoming a problem, but they were all. I realized that I was trying to defend myself in situations when I didn’t need to defend myself, and needed to leave it to God.

So, as God revealed different things to me, those attitudes that I was that I was struggling with- I repented of those things, and as soon as I repented, I felt like the floodgates to heaven opened. It was a major, major difference.
Sometimes there are things that need to be settled before we can go to God in prayer to have that free, open dialogue with Him.

When you pray, if you feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling, maybe your prayer could be simple just,

“Heavenly Father, please open my eyes give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that seeks you in all things.”

I encourage you to pray that, and pray it often. Set a reminder in your phone if needed.

I know it’s not a popular thought to think about the fact that there are spiritual forces that work against us. No, I don’t think everything our life is a direct spiritual attack, but there are so many things in our lives that are spiritual in nature that we don’t even recognize.

When God was beginning to open my eyes to the spiritual influences around us, it started with the post on Balaam that I have reference many times in different posts here at Every Day Incredible.

I started praying and asking God to reveal that to me, and I encourage you to do the same. Start there.

Start with just asking God to help you to recognize those influences.

If you’re interested in learning about the Every Day Incredible Ladies’ Digging Deeper group, and learning to wear your spiritual armor every day to make every day incredible, then I encourage you to go to http://diggingdeeper.everydayincredible.net and read more about it.

If you have questions let me know, and drop a comment down below and let me know how maybe you learned to be a prayer warrior and what has been helpful to you in your journey.

I look forward to hearing from you and as always remember there are opportunities every day to make Every Day Incredible!