Should Christians take Medicaton for Mental Health Problems?

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Should Christians take medication for mental health? You know, this is a topic that I have heard many different discussions on. I’ve heard many different opinions on this, and some of those debates can get pretty harsh! but let me share with you what my thoughts are on the topic.


As a mental health professional, I always tell my clients that medication does not fix the problem.  Medication does not make anxiety and depression go away.

With that said, there are often medical concerns that lead to mental health issues, and it’s important to address those with your doctor. It’s important to make sure you’re ruling out medical problems that may be there and that you’re treating them appropriately.

Medication can be helpful in treating symptoms that someone is dealing with. I generally recommend that clients really focus on their therapy and if they and their prescriber think it’s best to use medication while they’re doing that, I don’t have a problem with that.

One concern to consider though is that often, if medication is in the picture and symptoms are being managed through medication, then you’re not really dealing with with the underlying problem that may be there and what may actually causing those symptoms. So like I said, sometimes there are those medical concerns that cause that, but you have to look at the fact that mental health is multifaceted.

When you’re dealing with things like anxiety and depression, it’s not just coming from one angle because you’ve got the physical side of things, you’ve got the emotional side of things, or the thinking side, you’ve got a spiritual side… it comes from every angle so it’s important to take a holistic approach to each of those and make sure you’re dealing with the whole picture and not just covering the symptoms.

While I don’t think that medication is spiritually wrong, I do think there’s a bigger picture to address.

Going a step further, I do think it’s possible to have healing from mental health concerns.

I do believe that God is in the healing business. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, when we are fully seeking God, I do believe that there is freedom available to us, even through mental health concerns. While you’re looking for that, while you’re actively seeking that closer relationship with God, while you’re actively seeking that freedom from any bondage of the enemy, then you have to take care of yourself. 

You have to make sure you’re managing symptoms. You have to make sure you’re still functioning, you’re still moving, but don’t discount the healing power of God.

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That is a group where we learn to put on our spiritual armor and pray strategically so we can reach that deeper connection with God and have that deeper relationship with Him. That can help us find freedom from a lot of the struggles we deal with in everyday life.

As always, remember that there are opportunities Every Day, so make Every Day Incredible!