My Christian Testimony (A response to a community member)

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As you know, I’ve been answering some questions from our community members lately.  In the survey that has been posted on the Every Day Incredible Ladies Facebook group, one of the most recent questions was how long have I been a Christian, and who most influenced that decision. Here’s just a very short version of my testimony.


I was raised in a Christian home. My dad was a minister and was from before I was born, so that was the environment that I was raised in. We were very active in the church and in our church district’s events, such as church camps and things like that. I was exposed to that from a very early age and I’m very grateful for that.
I remember as a young child, probably eight or nine years old, I made that conscious decision to accept Christ into my heart. I felt that tugging of the Holy Spirit of my life.
As time has gone on, there have been many things that have happened in life that have given me new perspectives and then I deepened that relationship with Christ. I have a better understanding now, of course, than I did when I initially accepted Christ into my life.
I’ve debated on how deep I wanted to go into my story here, but as part of my testimony, I want to share with you this painting you see on the wall behind me in my videos. It is very representative of my Christian walk because there have been so many times in life that dark things have happened.
There have been times in life where we have faced some very dark and heartbreaking periods of time, but even through those very dark times, the sun (Son) has always been shining and the light never went away because God is our light.
No matter what happens around us, we know we can always trust that there is still light behind the dark clouds. This painting is called The Grief Fog because when that grief settles on us and things look so dark for so long, it can be hard to remember sometimes that doesn’t make the light go away. The light is still there and that’s so representative of my Christian walk because of all the things we’ve gone through that light has not gone away. The light is always there and as long as we walk forward in the faith and keep moving forward – as long as we keep trusting, no matter what we’re going, through, we’re going to find that light again. We’re not always going to be in the grief fog.  We’re always going to be in that fog of darkness.  That’s something that is has really shaped my Christian
So, while my initial decision to become a Christian was highly influenced by my family and by my church family, that continued growth has been the Holy Spirit and through some of the dark times in life that have shaped me and helped me learn to trust God more.
They have given me a better understanding of not only who God is, but who I am in God.
I hope that answers the question that you were looking for.  That’s just a little glimpse of my testimony. I am so very thankful that even in the dark times that God can still reveal things to our hearts and can still offer us the hope and the healing that He has for us.
With that said, I encourage you to come to the Every Day Incredible Ladies Facebook group and share some of your testimony with us.  Share who has influenced you in your Christian walk.
I want to remind you that no matter how dark things may be for you right now, we always have the light in front of us. We always have God guiding us when we allow Him to work and trust him, so make today incredible.  I look forward to hearing your testimonies in the group!