“Heavenly Father, thank you for whatever you’re about to do!”

(Recorded Live)

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The following was  recorded live in our Every Day Incredible  Ladies Facebook group.

Good evening,  ladies! As we’re getting started, I just wanted to share some updates with you. I  wanted to say we’ve got some exciting  things coming in the New Year, maybe in  December – but it involves a new book  that’s coming out and I’m not going to say a whole  lot more about that yet, but then also  some in-person workshops. I’ve posted  some about that in the group so if your church or your women’s group is  interested in hosting one of those, then  just let me know and I’ll talk about the  details of that with you.

With that said, I  wanted to share with you, for our breath  prayer tonight and the thoughts for this  evening.

I want to share with you about  something that happened a few days ago.  I was making some coffee and I  somehow got it a little too strong. I’m not  sure, maybe I just took it out before it was finished. I don’t remember  now, but I thought I would add a  little bit of water. I don’t usually do  that, but I thought I’d just add a little bit  more (hey Lisa!) and well, I did. As I  did that, I was just praying about some  things that were going on and I was  praying out loud and I was saying, “Thank you, God for what I know you’re about  to do in this situation, I trust  that you’re working in it.” As I was thanking God  for the good that I know is coming, somehow  the lid to the pitcher slipped off  and I don’t know how. My finger was even on it,  but somehow it slipped off and water went everywhere. It poured into  my coffee cup and splashed coffee all over the counter, all  over the front of cabinets, all over the floor… I don’t know how, but it  even splashed coffee back into the  pitcher somehow. I don’t know how that  happened because it’s one of those  filter pitchers that just has like one  little opening in it… anyway, somehow it  did, and I even had coffee in in my water  pitcher. But I had to laugh because as I was praying and thanking God for  the good that is coming, that happened, and I  laughed and said, “well, thank you still for the  good that is coming!” Even though I had this  huge big mess to clean up because I know  sometimes it can be really easy to- in  the past I would have been really upset  by that. That’s kind of evidence that  God’s been doing a lot of work in me- just being able to thank  God anyway, even though things that maybe  aren’t fun happen.

This week, what I  want to challenge each of you to do, no  matter what happens, if you are at family  gatherings and maybe there potentially  could be some tension at family gatherings  sometimes, or whatever may be happening, but  thank God anyway.

The verse that  I wanted to share is 1st Thessalonians  5:18. It says, “give thanks in all  circumstances, for this is God’s will for  you in Christ Jesus.”   With that verse, I often think about , if any of you are familiar with Corrie  ten Boom, One of my all-time favorite books  is The Hiding Place. In the book, there’s one part of it where Corrie and her sister are in the concentration camp  and as they’re praying and thanking God  for what He’s doing for them and how  He’s protecting them and Betsy, Corrie’s sister, reminded her  to thank God even for the fleas.

This place was just overrun with fleas and it was miserable.  Corrie said, “I’m not  thanking God for fleas.” Betsy  reminded her, “no, scripture says to give  thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is  God’s will in Christ Jesus.” She  reminded her of that and she reluctantly said, “Okay, fine. Thank you God for the fleas.” Kind of just to appease her  sister. Later on, she found out that the  reason they were able to have Bible  studies with all the women in the  concentration camp- the reason they were  able to give them hope was because the  guards wouldn’t come into that room  because of the fleas. They really had a reason to be thankful because the fact  that the fleas were there gave him the  freedom to be able to praise God and  share that hope with all the women in  the concentration camp. It gives me chills to think about, it but  it just it’s amazing how even the things  that, on the surface and in the  physical world, we feel like are very  overwhelming and discouraging and it’s  bad things” … thank God anyway. Find  something in that to thank God for, even if it’s, “thank you for whatever  you’re about to do.”

If you can’t think of  anything specific, simply say, thank you for what you’re  about to do.

I’ve found this to be so powerful,  especially in the last few  years. It’s like when we have something  major come up, and you guys know that  back in the summer, I had a series  of a back to back events that happened over  a couple of months that were just … it was just a lot of stuff  to get through. But, with each thing to happen, we’d pray, ”Okay, God, thank you for what  you’re about to do in this, for making  this into a blessing in some way,” and He  did! It amazes me how  even in those tough things, even though  things when we don’t see where His hand  is working, just trusting that He’s still  got a plan, that He still loves us, whatever His plan is, you  could trust that it’s a loving plan  because we know that  He has plans to prosper us and no

t to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future, and  that’s not a little thing. That’s something that we can rely on.

If  you believe that Scripture is true, it  means all of it is true, so when you’re  thanking Him in advance for whatever  He’s about to do, you’re trusting Him. You’re saying, “God, I don’t see how you’re going to work, but I trust that you are God  and you know the story much better than  I ever could. Thank you.”

I want to encourage you  this week to give thanks, but not just for the good things.  Thank God in whatever situation comes up If you have something bad that happens,  make sure to thank God anyway. Thank God for  whatever He’s about to do.

I would  love to hear what things you are thankful for in the group, so free to share it there! Keep  encouraging one another like you have  been doing. I love  seeing you all praying for each other and just encouraging one another, and I would love to see that  continue to happen.

I hope you guys have a wonderful wonderful Thanksgiving week and good evening. I will talk to  you guys soon, hope you have a wonderful,  wonderful evening! Don’t forget to check out http://diggingdeeper.EveryDayIncredible.net if you haven’t checked that out already. I’ll talk to you soon!