Ep. 006 Every Knee Shall Bow with Gaye Frances Willard

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Have you seen the painting of Santa kneeling before the manger? In this episode, we welcome artist and author Gay Frances Willard to share the story behind her painting and book by the same name, Every Knee Shall Bow. We talk about using common culture to point back to God’s truth as we explore this painting, which has been carried by Hobby Lobby and other retailers.

Concepts in this discussion include:

Spiritual resistance to God’s truth
The origin of St. Nicholas
Using common culture to speak God’s truth
Being in the world but not of the world
Allowing the Holy Spirit to take over
Our duty to worship the King!
The role of humanity (represented by Santa in this painting)
An unintended cross in the painting

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Direct Link: https://youtu.be/Iu1Rlk8UNew


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Remember who and whose you are!