Does God really give us the desires of our hearts?

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Today, we want to talk about the question, “does God really give us the desires of our hearts?”

That question comes from Psalm 37:4, which reads, “take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

To read the last part of the verse, it says he will give you the desires of your heart, but we have to read for context. The whole verse says take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Have you thought about what it means to take delight in the Lord? It means to find your joy in the Lord. Find your joy in Him, alone because if you’re looking for your joy to be fulfilled in other people or in circumstances- if you’re looking for your joy to be found in homemaking or your career, or in parenting or your marriage, there’s still going to be something missing.

If you’re not really taking delight in the Lord, you’re not going to have that final piece that makes it all fit into place.

From the time we’re little, we have aspirations of what we want to do in life. People start asking us from an early age, what do you want to do when you grow up? We start receiving messages about the perfect marriage and what it’s going to look like and what our kids are going to be like and we get all of these messages put in of all these expectations and how we can live happily ever after when we meet the right criteria. If we have the right things happen in our lives. But it’s so misleading!

While in the movies and fairytales, we see people who find their happily ever after through getting married or finding the perfect job, that’s not really how it works. No job is going to totally fulfill you. No spouse is going to totally fulfill you. Your children are not going to totally fulfill you. It’s a good thing to enjoy those things in your life. It’s a good thing to enjoy those relationships and to build on those and to find joy in those relationships but that is not where your JOY.

When you’re taking delight in the Lord and you’re finding your true joy in Him, that’s when those desires of your heart become clarified, and that’s when you really know what your desires are. That’s when they begin to match up with what his will for you is.

When you’re tempted to find your joy in the people around you, in your career, in your home, the things that you have, or your children- whatever it may be, stop for a moment and ask God to help you to delight in Him.

I hope this video has been encouraging to you. Please share with someone else you think that it may be helpful for too, and be sure to join us in the Every Day Incredible Ladies Facebook group. Remember, there are opportunities every day, so make every day incredible!