Did you hear that? I think someone just set out a Christmas tree…
In a store somewhere, Christmas trees are being sold already.
Today, we’re talking financial wellness as we’re peering over the horizon at the Christmas Season.
I’ll be honest, when I’m on top of things, I LOVE starting super early in the year with Christmas shopping and planning, and I love doing handmade gifts and finding creative, personalized gifts for those on my list. I ENJOY giving. I don’t want it to be a stress!
But today, whether you have already knocked out a big chunk of your Christmas shopping or you haven’t even stopped to think of it yet, I wanted to share three tips from a video shared last year by Rachel Cruze.
Rachel recommends:
- Figure out the budget you have to spend.
- Make a list of those you plan to buy gifts and add dollar amounts by their names
- Stick with the list!!
Check out her video here: https://www.rachelcruze.com/topics/real-life-on-a-budget/why-you-need-to-think-about-christmas-now