Have you ever felt utterly hopeless as you look around you and see the enemy coming at you from every angle? What do you do when that happens? It can be easy to give in to anxiety and depression … Continue Reading
Sin is like…
A quote about what sin does from Love Isn’t Selfish, the book (available on Amazon at http://goo.gl/pFrRll (affiliate link)).
The grass is always greener…
The grass is always greener… in a well-manicured lawn. No, really, how do you think it became so green? It’s easy to look at other couples or families and think, “wow, they have … Continue Reading
Ep. 003 Keys to Scripture Memorization with Savor the Word
In this episode of The Every Day Royalty Podcast, Keri interviews co-founders Vicky Tardy and Crista Hoffman of Savor the Word Ministries. Vicky and Crista talk about how God prepared the way for the ministry He would give them, … Continue Reading
A Physical Explanation for Anxiety
And what to do about it
Did you know that some anxiety is actually a good thing?
Think about it. If you never felt anxious, would you ever feel motivated to work harder to make sure you got that promotion at work, or kept your … Continue Reading
Self-Sabotage: How unforgiveness and bitterness lead to anxiety
Ephesians 4:25-32
25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your
neighbor, for we are all members of one body.“In your anger do not sin”[d]: Do not let the sun go down while you … Continue Reading
What do you expect?
As a therapist, I have found myself on many occasions discussing some of the reasons why clients experience problematic symptoms of depression, anxiety, and anger. Through those many discussions, it has become … Continue Reading
The Monster in the (Emotional) Closet

How to Prioritize
when you have a LOT of stuff to do
Someone asked me recently how to prioritize when you have a LOT of stuff to do.
Mark Twain once said, “if it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning; … Continue Reading
The Happiest Man Alive: How to be Happy!
Are you happy? I mean really happy? What thoughts or situations stand in the way of you being happy more often? About a year or so ago, I came across an article about a Tibetan Buddhist monk named Matthieu … Continue Reading