What is most important?

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I just want to ask you a question: What IS most important? What’s it all about?

Scripture clearly states that God is love (1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love). Love, as defined in 1 Corinthians 13, isn’t about self. It is by nature other-centered. God, therefore, is relational (His being is defined by His relationship to His creation), and we were created in His image (Genesis 1:27)
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them). Have you ever really stopped to ponder that?

We were created as relational beings. What does that mean to our day-to-day lives?

It means that, in our marriages, the relationship is what is important. If we want to live our lives reflecting the example our Creator has set for us, we cannot do that without loving our spouse – meaning we cannot be selfish and godly at the same time.  How does this impact how you parent?

What do you want your children to learn about a loving marriage? It starts early, and is evident in the details. What do you model to your children? Take a moment to look around at the children and teens you know. What is being modeled to them about relationships? Have they been exposed to loving, committed marriages? How does that impact their choices and behavior?

  • Let your children see you doing kind things for your spouse. For example, offer a glass of cold water during yard work, help out with a task your spouse normally does, just to make it easier on the other, etc.
  • Offer your spouse praise in front of the children- tell him/her what you appreciate about his/her character, abilities, etc.
  • Honor your commitments. Don’t threaten to leave every time things get rough. Love is a choice to be committed to the other’s needs, regardless of circumstance.

As always, if your marriage is struggling and you believe your efforts are not helping, please seek help for your relationship. Talk to your minister, find a good counselor, confide in a mentoring couple from your church that you both trust… find some reliable help. Invest in your marriage – your relationships are more important than any of the distractions and trials you may face.

Learn how to love, and teach your children. After all, What IS most important?


