Self-Care in the Workplace

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Of the different places I’ve worked, I had some places that were laid back and relaxed and just generally good environment, and then I’ve had places where I was surrounded by stress, unrealistic expectations, tons of redundant paperwork, and attitudes to match. Your environment really does make a huge difference in how you feel and how you function. I hope that each of you are in a relaxed, laid-back environment, but in reality, I know that it’s not likely for all of you to be. So it’s important to learn how to take care of yourself so you can get your job done and not let the job bring you down.

1. Prayer
Here at everyday incredible, we focus on achieving life balance in all areas of wellness through finding balance in spiritual Wellness. Basically, finding Christ-Centered life balance. In Matthew, chapter 6, we read about many common worries. What we’ll eat, what we’ll drink, what we’ll wear… But Matthew 6:33 says to seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness and all of these things will be added to us. When we are truly focusing on living rightly and on God’s Kingdom rather than the world around us, things are just going to go more smoothly. We need to be focused in the right direction. Starting off your day with prayer, even when you’re busy, is the best way to start. Put on your Spiritual armor before you put on your makeup. Your workplace self care begins before you even get to the workplace.

2. ‎Focus on the truth Channel
As you are learning to identify those core beliefs we’ve been talking about, you are much more prepared to recognize them when they rear their ugly heads. As soon as you recognize them, and I encourage you to ask God to reveal them to you through the Holy Spirit, change the channel. One channel is filled with lies from the enemy, such as that you’re not enough, or that you can’t do your job, or that nobody likes you… or maybe your channel of defeat tells you that you’re not allowed to take a break or you don’t have time for anything other than work. The other channel is focused on the truth. What does Scripture say about who you are? What does Scripture say about who God is to you? What does Scripture say about your priorities? Philippians 4:8 tells us to focus on those good things – things that are righteous and pure and true. We all have an innate tendency to treat ourselves as if certain things are true because they feel true even though we know that they are not. As soon as you catch those are the true thoughts invading your mind and bring you down, change the channel.

3. ‎Set goals
When you have prayed on your Spiritual armor, turn the channel to The Truth Network, and you’re prepared to start working, resist the urge to move forward without a plan. I say this to myself as much as I do to each of you. I know that I have been guilty of allowing myself to feel overwhelmed and just trying to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that to try to get everything done. That just adds to your sense of being overwhelmed and will not help you be as productive as you would like. So before you do anything else at work, make your plan. You wouldn’t build a house without one, and you wouldn’t go into battle without one. Each day needs a plan with SMART goals. I encourage you to go back and check out the post on smart goals for more information on what that means.

4. ‎Take breaks
When you feel overwhelmed and have unrealistic amount of work to do, it can be tempting to work through lunches and breaks. Those breaks are really important though. If you’re not scheduling and taking breaks, it can be tempting to get sidetracked by other things, such as chatting with co-workers, and you may end up spending more time with distractions than you would have with a scheduled break. A break at work, whether you work in an office or at home, may look like taking a short walk, closing your eyes and doing controlled breathing or imagery, taking time to work on crafty project or coloring page, some yoga poses or anything else that allows you to focus on something else for a while that’s not work related. One good idea to help you focus on Truth while having some time to decompress would be to find a scripture coloring book. Check here for some examples. I’ll also include a website link I have given many clients with some great and free relaxation downloads. They range in length, and with some headphones would be easy to do at your desk or in your car. On a grander scale, don’t forget to take regular breaks from work. A wise man once told me that it’s a good idea to take at least three days at least 3 times a year to go somewhere away from home if possible.

Come join our discussions in the Every Day Incredible Ladies facebook group. Does something not make sense to you yet, or is there a topic you’d like to see discussed here? Just let me know! I’m here to help you find Christ-centered life balance. I look forward to hearing from you and want to remind you that there are opportunities every day, so make Every Day Incredible!