“Lord, help me trust you have a loving plan.”

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The following was recorded in July of 2018 as a facebook live for the women of Every Day Incredible Ladies: Finding Christ-centered life balance.

Today, I wanted to share something with you; I was reminded of it by my seven-year-old. When we got in the car after church, he told me he had told one of the workers at the church in his class about a time when we had a huge big hospital bill. When he was in Kindergarten, he was admitted to the hospital with RSV and pneumonia. I had just started a new job, and the way it happened, if I had started the job one day sooner, my insurance would have been in effect. But, there was some mix-up so there was a lapse and it happened to be that he got super sick during that lapse.

After he was in the hospital, we had this huge big bill of more than forty thousand dollars. It was unreal and I kept trying to contact people to figure out what to do about this bill and everybody kept saying, “I don’t know what to tell you,” and they couldn’t really give me answers.

I went through this over a period of months. I tried to talk to several people, and they kept telling me they didn’t know, and one person even suggested that I lie on the application and I said that’s absolutely not a possibility. I felt very strongly that God was going to take care of it and my husband I had prayed over it together.  We knew it was going to be okay.

We were trusting that God was going to take care of this need and so we said, “no, we’re not going to lie about it. It’s not going to happen.” We waited a little bit longer and trying to contact somebody else, I ended up writing a letter just kind of documenting who I had spoken with and what they’d told me … it ended up happening that had I lied about it and had I gotten assistance that way, we would have a discount, but what happened was that after I wrote this letter, I was contacted and they ended up forgiving the entire bill.

So, had I lied about it, we would have had maybe a discount but we would have still have had a huge payment to go through. But because we were honest and we chose to trust that God was going to take care of it, it ended up happening that there was no bill whatsoever.

I shared this big long story to say that this made an impression on my 7y because I had told him just kind of a brief overview. He didn’t know the stress when we were going through it but he knew about it after the fact and he knew that that we had the big bill from when he was in the hospital but then because we were faithful and trusted that God was going to take care of it, God did.

So he told me in the car on the way home that he had told the youth worker at church that it was like a Bible story because God took care of the need and he had shared that. Just the fact that he shared that, he knew we trusted and that happened… I am so incredibly thankful for that- that when we go through difficult things, that we can trust that God has a loving plan, even when we don’t understand how things are going to happen.

I was also talking to somebody else today in a different conversation completely and we were talking about how it can be difficult to trust that things are going to work out when we don’t see how it’s going to work out.

I don’t know what you guys are facing this week, but knowing that whatever you’re facing, when you are trusting God to work through that and when you’re trusting that to God and knowing that he has a loving plan for you, knowing that it’s going to work out and it will.

So the passage I want to share with you tonight is Jeremiah 29:11 through 13 and that says,

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

The breath prayer that goes along with that, so whenever you’re facing any kind of trials this week, when anything’s going on that it is stressful or you just don’t understand how it’s going to work out, I encourage you to pray the breath prayer, “Lord, help me to trust you that you have a loving plan.” “Help me trust that you have a loving plan.”

Anytime that something is not making sense to you, just trust that God’s got it. His word says that when you seek him with all your heart- if you’re genuinely seeking Him and you’re trusting Him saying, “I don’t know how you’re going to do it, I don’t know what your plan, is but I know you have a plan,” it makes a huge difference and good things can come for that.

If there’s anything that you guys would like me to pray for you about this weekend or this week, I mean if anything comes up that you need prayer for, I would love to know that, so after I get off here I can be praying for you guys specifically. I would encourage you guys in the group and every Monday (you don’t have to wait for a check-in), and just see what’s going on with everybody.

Just a reminder, your breath prayer for this week is, “Lord, help me to trust that you have a loving plan.” So, whatever you have going on, if it’s something that is scary or something that’s just painful to go through, just remember that God doesn’t worry with us. He has a loving plan. He knows the plans he has for us. He has plans to prosper us, to give us hope and a future, and we have to choose to focus on that. We have to choose to trust that that is true.

Free Prayer Guide! Using Prayer to Defeat AnxietySo, I encourage you guys to say that breath prayer and share your prayer requests in the group and you don’t have to wait for that for that post to come up tomorrow. If there’s anything that you guys have found helpful so far from everyday incredible or if there’s something that you would like to see happen in every day incredible, please tell me. I would love to have that feedback from you guys. I want to be a support for you and I want to be an encouragement for you. Let me know if there’s anything at all that I can do to help!

**There was also discussion about a pregnancy and infant loss remembrance event that took place in June, 2018.





This video was filmed live for the Every Day Incredible Ladies Facebook group, found at http://www.facebook.com/groups/EDILadies June, 2018.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 New International Version (NIV) 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. This week’s breath prayer: Lord, help me trust you have a loving plan. Like this video? Click like and subscribe so you don’t miss out on any upcoming content from Every Day Incredible!