How to Keep a Kingdom Focus Throughout Your Day

(Set your mind on things above)

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In our last message, I was speaking directly to those of you who already know who you are in Christ. You already have your spiritual armor on and you know that you are a warrior and a child of the Most High King.

We were talking before about what we do with that, as far as going through our daily routines in the world- how we merge understanding who we are and that we’re not of this world with being in the world and continuing with our daily routines, like going to work, doing the dishes and parenting our children. We were looking at how that all fits together. So far, we’ve talked about our morning routine and what that may look like to help us get focused for the day.

Next, I want to talk with you about how to go through the day with your armor on and really focus on that while being in the world and taking care of the responsibilities you have in front of you. As you’re going through the day you can take War Room breaks. You can sneak off to your war room when you have a break in your day and take time to go to your Father and

  1. Pray about the things you see going on around you.
  2. Pray about any anything that is tempting you to be concerned or scared, whatever it may be (you know what your temptations are). Take those to God throughout the day.

If you need to just step into the bathroom and take a few moments to say a breath prayer, or whatever it may look like, but speak that trust back to God. When you’re praying those concerns back to God and verbalizing your trust, that helps you get your thoughts and your heart pointed in the right direction. Then, you are functioning in the world still but you’re not of the world. You know who you are still.

I hope that’s helpful and encouraging. Use those breath prayers throughout the day so you can stay focused and set your mind on things above because you’re keeping that constant communication with the Heavenly Father.

If you struggle with that temptation to fear throughout your day because of anxiety that can overtake you, check out my new book, Learning to “Fear Not.” That book goes from a clinical perspective to discuss anxiety and the treatments for anxiety, but then it goes to the next level and it talks about the spiritual warfare and what goes on underneath it all. It discusses the spiritual warfare that begins the anxiety and where the lies actually come from, but more importantly, how our spiritual armor can help us to defeat that anxiety. You can find that book, Learning to “Fear Not”: Beating anxiety from a faith-based perspective on You can also find the accompanying 90-day journal and workbook. It is designed to help you put those thoughts and concepts into practice to make them habit so it’s actually effective for you. You can find those on Amazon or go to