The power of your thinking…

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I came across this article about the research of Dr. Bruce Lipton, former professor of medicine at Stanford. The author of the article reports that Dr. Lipton “says the new science of epigenetics has shown that our genes are in fact controlled and manipulated by how our minds perceive and interpret our environment. It was formerly believed by science that it is our genes themselves which dictate our traits – that our genes form who and how we are. The new findings are great news because it means that we can change many things about the way we are, including our health, by changing how we interpret events and situations which happen to us.”

The article discusses the power of the conscious mind over the unconscious, which works in the background, similar to a supercomputer, running continually. While the article concludes that positive thinking alone does not reprogram our brains and bodies, the author discusses how meditation can. “A new attitude, positive or negative, sends new messages to the cells in our body and can actually reprogram their health and behavior.”

From a scriptural standpoint, that means meditating on God’s truth and training ourselves to keep our eyes fixed on the Maker of the Heavens and the Earth can reprogram the health and behavior of the cells in our body and, as the article discusses, turn unhealthy cells into healthy ones.

The exciting thing about this research is that it proves there is more than just the surface issues we see, and it proves that genetic makeup and diagnoses are not the end all, be all. What the author fails to acknowledge is that we have access to supernatural intervention by the very One who created us in all of our complexities. Ya’ll, that’s powerful!